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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, September 26, 2011

An update for Ella Bella Boo!!

This Video was taken while we were waiting for Kailey to finish up her Gymnastics class.  She decided she needed to perform as well.  I cannot wait until they are both taking dance and gymnastics or whatever...
 The camera comes out and she says.."cheese" and makes this, 'oh so sweet face'.
 She is really a confident little gal these days. 
 This was a lot of tears...we had to wash her special Auntie Char blanket and we usually keep the laundry room door closed and I forgot this time.....darn front load washers!  She was crying and pointing for a Long time.  We closed the door and she sat and waited by the door (crying).  I guess she will have to work the blanket into her Graduation outfit somehow.  lol
 She actually puts outfits together now.  The other day it was Kailey's bathing suit and Kailey's mis-matched socks with her skater shoes.  She also likes wearing wigs as of late.  Oh those plastic high heels are also very popular as of late.
 Enjoying a Summer day at the beach.  She loves the water and seems to just walk walks in and probably would keeo walking until the water was over her head.
Thus the life Jacket...hahahaha.  Notice the odd binky placement?!  It is more like a stoggie binky.

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