Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I had this massive post all done up about Kailey's first day and a bunch of other stuff and blogger crashed...not the first time this has happened to me.  I am not typing it all out again....I am so sick of this site - that is why my posts have greatly dwindled. grrrrrr

Kailey's pre-screen for Kindergarten was Tuesday morning and she was a little anxious when we walked up to the school, but soon she was more than happy to look around her AMAZING classroom and talking with her teacher, Mrs. Walters.  What a nice lady...very kind.  I left her there and picked her up in an hour and I could hear Kailey talking her ear off about Willy Wonka and what a bad nut that Veruca Salt was...hahaha.  We dropped off her supplies and got a tour.  She starts on Tuesday with half of  the kids and then she gets Wednesday off and then Thursday is her first full day with everyone.  She is very very excited.  I know we made the right choice putting her in Holy Cross.  What a great school.  Lots of technology.  Her kindergarten class has 2 smart boards and laptop stations!!!  gulp - what happened to my bald baby with the curly little yamaka?

 This is the outfit she picked out!!  The little boy was all eyes when she walked into the room.
 this is her - 'I'm nervous' face.

 one of her back to school outfits she picked out - skinny them!
oh and she now does her own hair apparently...hand cream, clips and a feather band...lovely.  I think she thought the hand cream was like Gel or something. 

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