Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Kailey Post!

pants pulled wayyyy boots on and bustin' a move!!  This kid looooves to dance.  This video will be great to play at her wedding for sure!
After school this still is one of the first things she likes to do...find Bridgey and cuddle.  She has adjusted  to her school life.  She goes Mon.-Thursday full days.  8:20-3:15 and then she goes to the after school program until I can come and get her.  Loves her teacher and one of her best friends from pre-school is in her class so that is so great for her.  She didn't really care for the after school program at first and this just crushed me....:-(.  She is liking it much better now.  She is bringing home some great crafts and she has met a couple of new friends.  Early reports from her teacher is that she is a great listener, helper and is very kind to her proud of her.

 She did her own wonderful...hahahahaha
 Stretching for her first dance class - Jazz/Hip Hop. 
She is taking her dance at a new school this year.  They are called Fame and are actually out of Lloydminster, but travel to Cold Lake 3x a week to teach.  It is held at the Energy Center...pretty fancy compared to what she has been to.  Miss Wendy was posted so we opted to take this opportunity to check out the other dance schools and we both fell in love with Fame.  I like the fact that if she wants to try out for one of the festival teams when she is 7 she can or she can stay doing recreational.  The festival team is the demo/competition team.  The last few years they have been dancing in Disneyland (coolness) and training with one of the LA dance schools....wouldn't that be cool to work that into a family vacation?!!  Imagine Grandma Joy being able to watch Miss K where she  BUT - I for sure am not going to be one of those 'Toddler and Tiara' type moms...only if she wants to pursue this avenue.  She is also taking Gymnastics at the other club this session...she is doing awesome!!  I am not as much of a fan of this as there is fund raising involved and they are pretty competitive ...boooooo, but the main thing is this is building her confidence and I just cannot believe what she is able to do already.

An update for Ella Bella Boo!!

This Video was taken while we were waiting for Kailey to finish up her Gymnastics class.  She decided she needed to perform as well.  I cannot wait until they are both taking dance and gymnastics or whatever...
 The camera comes out and she says.."cheese" and makes this, 'oh so sweet face'.
 She is really a confident little gal these days. 
 This was a lot of tears...we had to wash her special Auntie Char blanket and we usually keep the laundry room door closed and I forgot this time.....darn front load washers!  She was crying and pointing for a Long time.  We closed the door and she sat and waited by the door (crying).  I guess she will have to work the blanket into her Graduation outfit somehow.  lol
 She actually puts outfits together now.  The other day it was Kailey's bathing suit and Kailey's mis-matched socks with her skater shoes.  She also likes wearing wigs as of late.  Oh those plastic high heels are also very popular as of late.
 Enjoying a Summer day at the beach.  She loves the water and seems to just walk walks in and probably would keeo walking until the water was over her head.
Thus the life Jacket...hahahaha.  Notice the odd binky placement?!  It is more like a stoggie binky.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

An important link...inspirational.

He meets you no matter where you are!!!

I do not have much time this morning before work, but this song (really listen to the lyrics) always gives me goose bumps.  I listen to this when things seem unbearable in the world and I find comfort in knowing HE always has my back.

Have a great day!!!

Love Shari

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Last post about the Edmonton trip....Mom and Denis' house for a BBQ

totally a chip off the ol block - loves her some corn on the cob!!!

playing in the front yard.  Grandpa Denis taught Kailey how to throw a frisbee and took her on another tractor ride!  Scooped up dirt and dumped it - another huge deal to Kailey.  lol

Robbie Bear's 5th B-day

...the main reason we came to Edmonton in the first place!!!! <3

 "No, I did not drink your beer?" - lol
 Ella doing what she does best....eating. hahaha
 Colin at the kiddie table
 Birthday boy taking a second for a picture....cheese!!!
 Awwwwww - thank you Cousin Robbie!
 Playing kitchen with Heather's Dad.  She took a real shine to Mr. Meating as long as he didn't touch her...hahahaha. 

 Nana - who let us stay at her house even though she wasn't there for all but one night - thanks again - really appreciated that!
 Grandkids - ya think she is happy?

 Char, Ron, Julie, Colin and Heather and the kids, Mom, Uncle Brad - all came over to Nan's house for pizza and a visit.  Felt a little strange having a party at Nans without her there!!!  here is some proof of it all nan...hahaha.

Lots of demos.  and some wrestling that Kailey is still talking about!  Good times and great memories!!!!

West Edmonton Mall

Mom watched little Bella Boo while we took Kailey to the big mall!!!!  No doubt- the Sea Lion show was the hightlite of that adventure.  We waited in line so we would get some great seats...we got front row in the center!!!  We were so close we could smell the critters - smells like Omega 3 capsules - BUT ON A MASSIVE SCALE!!  She was nervous to get a kiss from one of them, but I knew she would love the picture keepsake.  (it is up in her room on the same shelf as her Disneyland Fairy picture so you know it is important to her!).  When we got back from WEM Momma watched both kids so Jack and I could go see a show in a real theatre - like on a real date or!  That was AWESOME!!!  great time.

 we were there for the shark feeding so that was an awsome display.

Beaners first then Fort Edmonton Park

 Kailey getting her first haircut at Beaners.  Awesome day.  Met up with Heather and the kids and Lana and Kailey got new do's and then we went for lunch together.  So much fun.
 Lana modelling her new do...adorable!!!!
 Fort Edmonton is one of my most favorite places to go and it was even better this time as this was Jacks first time there!!!  We all loved it.  Ella wanted more freedom and when she got it....LOOK OUT - ran everywhere.  She loved it.  Kailey was like a sponge asking so many questions.  Her favorite part and where we spent the most time was in the the old Dr. Office/house. 

 in a tee pee - had to do some quick explaining as to why there were animal skins hanging up...yikes. 
 Ella's first time on a Carousal.  She loved it.

 on the run saying - whoa whoa...

what I thought she would want to do...nope - she wanted a horse!