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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sleeping in a Box for charity...

***UPDATE: Just got word that the amount raised so far is $19,000 and counting!!!!!***

 Well, I survived sleeping in a box in the field by Pizza Hut overnight!  I managed to raise $850 for the cause and I am very thankful to my supporters!  The money raised (last figure I heard was $17,000) half going toward the local Margaret Savage Crisis Center's housing project for women and children in need and the other half going to the NOT 4 Sale initiative which keeps/frees children from the sex trade.  Very worthwhile causes and all the money goes out.  I had such an amazing experience and was surrounded by the most REAL and generous people I have ever met.  This group is everything I believe a Christian should be...they live the word and do so freely and pure.  Sounds corny I guess, but they welcomed me and there was zero pressure, just gratitude.  I was the only 'non-church' person to ever ask to do this fundraiser I guess (7th year) which really shocks me.  I will for sure be doing this for sure next year.

So the weather was somewhat better than expected I guess.  We got a nasty storm for about 30 minutes...torrential rain and crazy wind while we were building our box town so that was NOT FUN.  We managed to turn our boxes over and tarp them so no water got in...phew.  It was cold (only 8 degrees) at night, but there was no rain or wind so that was a treat.  I borrowed a military issued kit that had everything I needed!!!  I was snug and warm all night.  I did sleep, but the cows across the street woke me up and the seagulls squawking right outside my box scared the crap out of
 I am in here doing a test run....I had to find my zen and give myself a firm talking to ref. this is not really a coffin and I am not really going to die....I can breathe....No coyotes will come for me...nobody will stab me through the box for some bats will get in and get caught in my rats (not an issue here, but was sure there would be this newly discovered batch that like to hang out in boxes?!)  you get the idea.  These boxes were awesome...wax covered.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Shari! Way to go! and I totally would have have the same fears as you. I think our minds work the same! haha!
