click below for all the pictures!!!
I have to say...35 feels GREAT!!!!!! I can honestly say I feel better than I did 10 years ago. I think I owe it to my girls for making me feel me by 9pm I am cooked and ready for snoozville. Kailey flew into my bedroom this am telling me she picked out the best 'Mudder (mother) card ever in the whole world'. Then she was vibrating waiting for Ella and Jack to wake up so I could open their presents they picked out for me. A quick breakfast and an awesome call from my Brother and his family and off to Lloyd we went in the new wheels. We spent 3 hours at the zoo in total then hit up Booster Juice and Arby's and headed home. Ella was more than hilarious at the zoo. Once she was freed from her stroller it was ON. She ran everywhere. She had a blast. Kailey was so excited to show her Daddy all the critters.
Just take after we got back from Lloydminster and before CAKE!!!
Alex the camel...not Alice after all. Still was Kailey's favorite part of the day. He is young and learning the ropes with grooming so he was making a HUGE fuss when they had him tied to the fence to groom him and Kailey had a fit about it. She thought they were hurting him and we found the owner and she assured her that he was just being a grumpy adolescent....she dropped it finally after that. SHEESH!!!! Animal right activist in the making for sure.
my little guy I bonded with last time. He was sucking on my earlobe for a while.
She just got finished petting this little one on his head....did I mention how much I love goats?
Ella's favorite animal at the zoo - a little pot belly pig. She was a little nervous being in the pen with the critters so she admired them from the other side of the fencing!!!
this one cracks me up...she is peeking in at a snake of some sort - not my bag at all.
goat kisses are the best!!! So glad I have Bob - he is kind of goat-like.
one of the babies eating Kailey's hair...whoops.
This gives you an idea of how fast and all over the place Ella was the entire time! lol
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