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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!!!

 What a great Easter we are having so far and I hope you are to!!
Kailey and Ella kicked the egg hunt off at around 8am, which is much later than I thought it was going to be.  I was so proud of Kailey as she went out of her way to make sure Ella got lots of eggs and even though she pretty well knew where everything was she lead Ella to the ones she could reach and tried to teach her to put it in her basket.  At one point Ella had way more eggs than Kailey thanks to K's generosity so we told her to just pick eggs up for herself.  I was crazy proud of her.  Ella wasn't as into it....she tried to eat one of the plastic eggs and then decided she was ready for breakfast. :-)  We left carrots and hamster treats for the bunny and K was pretty excited to think he ate most of it. Her favorite Easter gift she got from Buns was a new diary (pronounced Dia---reee).  She also thought it was really cool that he came into her room and took a pillow of the bed and put eggs on it.  "I didn't even wake'did up...he is really sneaky that guy ". 

giving Ella another egg.
 check out the baskets!!!
 looks like Bob is smiling for the picture.
 waiting for their Easter treats.

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