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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dance Recital day one!

Great day!!!  Kailey was awesome/hilarious, as all the little kids were.  So much fun!!!!  I am so very proud of her.  She rocked it...for the most part...hahahahaha.  Ella made it to half time and then she had enough. She was funny to watch trying to dance and clap along with the music.  Thank you Nan, Nana and Miss Kim for making her day even more special!  We were only allowed to have 5 tickets/ family so I am sorry if I wasn't able to ask you this time...there will be many many more recitals...lucky you!!! lol

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!!!

 What a great Easter we are having so far and I hope you are to!!
Kailey and Ella kicked the egg hunt off at around 8am, which is much later than I thought it was going to be.  I was so proud of Kailey as she went out of her way to make sure Ella got lots of eggs and even though she pretty well knew where everything was she lead Ella to the ones she could reach and tried to teach her to put it in her basket.  At one point Ella had way more eggs than Kailey thanks to K's generosity so we told her to just pick eggs up for herself.  I was crazy proud of her.  Ella wasn't as into it....she tried to eat one of the plastic eggs and then decided she was ready for breakfast. :-)  We left carrots and hamster treats for the bunny and K was pretty excited to think he ate most of it. Her favorite Easter gift she got from Buns was a new diary (pronounced Dia---reee).  She also thought it was really cool that he came into her room and took a pillow of the bed and put eggs on it.  "I didn't even wake'did up...he is really sneaky that guy ". 

giving Ella another egg.
 check out the baskets!!!
 looks like Bob is smiling for the picture.
 waiting for their Easter treats.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dad and Diane Visit..incl. BABA!!!!!

 Was I surprised when I opened the door for Dad and Diane yesterday morning...all I saw was a walker at first and I thought to myself...'oh my, what did Dad do to his knee'...then I looked further and there was Baba.  First time she has come to visit us in Cold Lake.  She hasn't been to Cold Lake for 25 years so she was shocked to see how it has developed.  The main highlight....due to the nasty winter and the girls taking turns being sick; meeting Ella for the first time.  Kailey was sooooo excited to see her she was almost in shock for the first half hour or so and the then the flood gates of talky-talk opened and she took Baba to her room and gave her tons of crafts she has made.  Ella Bella took some time to warm up to everyone as per norm, but soon she was comfortable and making everyone laugh with her knee walking and odd little/sometimes loud, voice.  Grandma took Kailey to Polished pumpkins and they came home with some goodies....the hit was toe rings that could be used for fingers as well as they are adjustable.....WOW, she felt spectacular sporting those puppies on her toes.  Bob fell in love with Baba and was on her lap as much as he could be.  We took her to the hot spots in Cold Lake (didn't take long...hahaha) and had some ice cream...just an awesome visit all around and sure hope she can come out here again in summer.
 pre-visit - all she wanted was the hat - pants and socks are not important to her.
 Jack made cookies and Bridget and Ella held this begging pose for quite some time.  Ella crawled away and Bridget stayed glued in that one spot for over 10 minutes.  Lucky we didn't leave the area or I am sure those snickerdoodles would have been toast.
 Kailey tried on her costume for her recital for them!

 Bob charmed Baba and she said a few times that he was coming home with her!!!  Checked her bag before she left....hahahaha
 Sharing of choice: Tangled (so that makes 6 times K has seen this now).
 checking out the toe rings
Click here for more pictures!!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Momma visit

we had a great time!!!  Mom came out Thursday around lunch time and stayed 2 nights.  Some highlites were picking Kailey up from Pre-school where Kailey was able to give Nan a tour of her classroom.   Then we went to the library and Kailey was in her glory with all the books and Ella had a blast sitting on the carpet with some wooden blocks.  We went shopping, went for ice cream, went for a walk...and tons & tons of cuddles and stories.  TOTAL blast and it went by way too fast. :-(  Even Zoe was pouting when she had to leave.  To get Kailey's mind of Nan leaving I took her to a movie and a little retail therapy after that.

zonked out after a big day.