Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, February 14, 2011

So hot dog making is a skill few posses I guess....

This one made me giggle.  After preschool we had to go to Walmart to get a few things and Kailey asked if she could have a hot dog for lunch - I never have them in the house as I think they are just plain nasty.  I compromised and picked up some chicken dogs.  On the way home she is talking all about eating these things and I just asked her how Kim makes them, if she boils them or nukes them or fries them and Kailey, looking all worried, pipes up with: "you are making them Mommy?  ummmmmm....ummmmm...I don't think you know really much about hot dogs so we should leave it to Daddy cause he knows a bunch a bunch about them".  Seriously...seriously???  she was worried I would screw up something like a hot dog....hahahaha.  I made them and she had 2 including the entire bun and I had one and decided...yup, they are still nasty. ;-)  Just thought that was a funny one.

Kailey has a bunch of little valentines with an assortment of tattoos and candies thanks to her preschool party today.  She was just vibrating holding her little fancied up Kleenex box when I picked her up.  She is definitely going to wear these cards out.  She was also super excited as this was Connor's(little boy she hung out with as a baby) first day there and she got to be his helper and he stuck to her like glue and gave her a hug goodbye after school.  He was just beaming he was so excited to have a little bag of valentines.  She was so excited that 'he wasn't nervous at all cause he had me there and then he put a toy fish in my pants and I laughed'did'  oye.  gave her a pep talk about saying hi to him since he will be scared at first.  I I remember being so excited as a kid (until crummy boys and hormones started) on Valentines day so I am loving every minute of this.

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