Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween...

 Jack's carving skills....they had a pumpkin show in the chapel at school today and she got 6th place out of  the entire school!!  She made a sign for it after I took this picture.
Vidia costume
 Trick or Treating was sooooo much fun....hectic and not fun getting them ready mind you. lol  Ella caught on to this very very quickly and soon she was racing up the stairs and saying 'ticky teet' and knocking on the door.  Every time they dropped something in her bag she said..."ohhhhh wow...yay".  Kailey was so funny with her sister...reminding ppl not to forget about little Ella.  There were a few houses that scared Ella and when that happened she froze and said Bye.,,,it was priceless.

 Ella trying to pose like

 Kailey's vidia pose

Kailey's Party pictures!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


They played this video at Church on Sunday and I wanted to share it with you.  I know there are many days we have all wondered what we have to be thankful for....well, there are ALWAYS things to be thankful for.  Really puts things into perspective, at least it did that for me.  How fortunate are we to be able to say we have on the table...our health...I have sooooo much to be thankful for...2 beautiful healthy wonderful girls, a very supportive and helpful Husband, wonderful friends and family....there is just so much.  This will be a keeper video for me when I am having those 'woe is me' days.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Kindness at its finest.

Kailey seems to always have one thing left in her lunch that Ella ends up eating on the way home from picking her up.  I asked her if I pack too much stuff and she says, "no, I always save one thing for my sister to eat on the way home.  Today I really wanted my trail mix for a snack, but that was all I had left and I wanted to give it to Ella...Can I have some please Ella?" There Ella is happily munching away. 

THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF FOLKS!!!  small things that are just so meaningful.  <3

Cold Lake Video!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Provincial Park/Nature walk photos.

Awesome day we had...something as simple as a walk in the park can refresh you in ways nothing money can offer.  I love this park  - totally take for granted some of the things right out our back door.  For all the short comings Cold Lake has (no shopping) this more than makes up for it!  Finally have some up to date nice pictures of the girls so they will be coming your way soon!! xoxoxox