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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, June 24, 2011

quick update - been a while

we were making cupcakes listening to music and she broke out into dance...had to capture this! too funny.

 Bridgets most favorite thing to do - get sprayed with a hose.  I remember Parker and Shilo loved this, so it is great that she is carrying on this tradition!  Man I miss my guys. 

 I had a great idea...kailey could pretend she was camping, so she slept in the tent in my room...she looooved it, but woke up way too early and was too excited to go back to sleep.  Maybe we will wait another year before trying this again! lol

 Ella and her dog...these 2 are really cute together - most of the time anyway..
 she uses a spoon now! if it is something she really likes and it takes too long she hand me the spoon and opens her mouth.
 this is her, "ha ha ha Mom - LOOK at me I got on top of something else all by myself".  This gal is a climber and she frequently gives me heart attacks.  The other day I was looking for her and assumed she would be in her usual spots (I was making lunch at the time).  I go to the master bedroom to find her sprawled out on my pillow with nothing but her diaper and sandals on.  She has one leg up and is wiggling her ankle with her binky hanging out of her mouth like a cigarette watching Treehouse!!!  She used the bench at the end of the bed and then crawled up.
 She brought this stool out of the bathroom to demonstrate to me that this is a no brainer...
 Kailey and I making cupcakes.  She is wearing a new apron from Cheryl that she looooves.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

A dance video along with a bad word (thanks

please excuse the S-bomb from Kailey...she felt the need to report to me that in the Black Eyed Peas, 'Pump It' they say Sh&t.  I still had to post this as Ella's lunch time dancing is too funny!!!! Too bad someone didn't have a video taping me being ANGRY in mime form at Kailey after that dirty word. ;-)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

new tree and tub pictures...what a combo

 Schubert Cherry tree just planted!!!
wind whipped :-(  Sure hope it doesn't get too damaged in these winds tonight.
 My blondie...sun is bleaching her hair - remember when she had almost black hair????  WOW, looks like I am going to have another blondie on my hands...straight hair and brown eyes on this model...hahahaha